Two-day "Train-the-Trainer Workshop on Research Data Management"
Date: 26.08. & 27.08.2024
Language: English
Duration: 09:00 a.m. to 04:30 p.m., on two days
Location: Sessions room of the Saarland University and State Library (SULB), Building B1 1 of Saarland University, see Lageplan Campus Saarbrücken.
Presenter: Katarzyna Biernacka has been the spokesperson for the Sub-Working Group Training/Further Education of the DINI/nestor-WG Research Data since the beginning of 2019. The group is committed to further developing and elaborating various training models and materials, as well as collecting existing training materials. She is also a founding member of the Open Science working group of the German Informatics Society.
Participants: maximum 16
Note: There will be no catering, neither food nor drinks, but there will be opportunities to eat and drink during the breaks.
Workshop information:
Digital research data and its management are among the most challenging issues that scientists have to deal with during their research process. Their organisation, publication, archiving and subsequent use are becoming increasingly important in science in the digital age.
The programme is aimed at people who want to teach the basics of research data management in their field of work or at their institution, and who want to use this as a basis for establishing or expanding their own standards for their projects. In addition to didactic approaches, methods and everything that belongs to a seminar structure, you will learn about the following aspects of research data management:
- Research data lifecycle
- Resesarch data policies
- Data Management Plan (DMP
- Structuring data
- Documentation
- Storage and backup
- Long-term archiving
- Access security
- Publication of research data
- Re-use of research data
- Legal aspects
The units are accompanied by practical exercises through which the newly gained knowledge can be consolidated and transferred to own use cases. In the process, participants learn about useful tools and platforms for working effectively with their data.