Loan periods and returning items
Loan periods
- Book published after 1900
The loan period is 28 days. You may renew the loan up to ten times, with each extension lasting a further 28 days. If a book has been reserved by another user, you will not be able to renew the loan. - Books published before 1900
These books cannot be borrowed, but they can be reserved for use in the Main Reading Room. - Philology Library
Special lending rules apply to the collections housed in the Philology Library. - Periodicals
Articles will be delivered to your email address by the electronic document delivery service ELiSA.
Bound volumes of periodicals may be borrowed for 14 days and the loan period can be extend 1 time for 14 more days. Current issues of periodicals are not made available for borrowing. - Audiovisual materials
The loan period is 28 days. The loan can be renewed up to three times, with each extension lasting a further 28 days. - Psychological tests
The loan period is 14 days. The loan can be renewed up to three times, with each extension lasting a further 14 days. - Notebooks
The loan period is 6 months. It cannot be extended.
Renewing loans
If you want to renew the loan on a book, please access your library loan account to extend the loan period. The loan will extended by four weeks (starting on the day on which you renew the loan).
If an item that you would like to borrow has already been ordered by someone else or is already out on loan, you can reserve the item through the Saarland Online Public Access Catalogue. Please note that books from the textbook collection and bound periodicals can only be reserved by members of the library staff.
If you wish to return items from the textbook collection or from the closed stack, or if the loan period for these items cannot be extended any further, please use the self-service return station in the main entrance hall. Interlibrary loans and psychology tests should be returned to the library’s main reception desk.