If you want to borrow materials from the library or request an item via the interlibrary loan system, you will need a library card.
Members of Saarland University can use their UdS Card as their library card. Before using it for the first time, you will need to activate your UdS Card free of charge at the library.
If you are not a member of the university but you are eligible to register as a library user, you can buy a library card at the current ticket prices of the university ticket office. Payment is due when you are issued with your library card. You can get the card in the library.
Anyone who is a member of the university is eligible to register with the library. Additionally, anyone over the age of sixteen who studies, lives or works in Saarland or who is a member of one of the UniGR partner universities in Lorraine, Luxembourg, Liège, Kaiserslautern and Trier is entitled to borrow materials from the library.
Please note that you must register before you can use the library.
Every library card has an electronic wallet function. Money can be loaded free of charge onto the UdS Card by either a cash or an EC bankcard transaction. Card-loading terminals are located in the entrance hall of the library.
Please note: Registration/activation of the UdS Card is only possible Mon-Fri from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.