The library catalogue and the knowledge portal

The library catalogue



The Saarland Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is the standard library catalogue that contains information on the printed, digital and other materials held in the SULB central library, in the other departmental and specialized libraries located on the Saarbrücken and Homburg campus, as well as at the University of Applied Sciences in Saarland (htw saar) and at University of Music Saar (HfM Saar).
The OPAC catalogue is generally not used to search for specific articles in journals or bound periodicals. However, you will find media from the Saarland Bibliography on all fields of knowledge about the Saarland.

The knowledge portal

The knowledge portal allows you to simultaneously search the Saarland Online Public Access Catalogue as well as many of our bibliographic databases and other sources. The Knowledge Portal will immediately display any journal articles relevant to your search criteria.

Please address questions and comments to the subject librarians of the respective library.