Saarland Bibliography – Collection analysis on 2 January 2020
94,022 items Collection analysis
Online resources
4,160 items Collection analysis
of which
3968 licence-free online resources
Collection listed by period covered
1991 - 2019: 67,099 individual items Collection analysis
Works published in this period are fully indexed in the Saarland Bibliography database.
1475 - 1990: 25,828 items Collection analysis
1961 - 1990: 19,342 items Collection analysis
The printed version of the Saarland Bibliography provides more complete coverage of this period. Digitized versions of the printed bibliography are now accessible up to the year 1990. Online edition
1927 - 1960: 4,973 items Collection analysis
This period is also covered in the Rhineland Palatinate Bibliography.
1475 - 1926: 1,987 items Collection analysis
The collection analysis is updated daily and can be viewed in the Saarland Bibliography database.
Literatur zur Saarländischen Bibliographie
Rudolf Lais, Die Saarländische Bibliographie : Ein publizistischer Spiegel des Landes.
In: Saarheimat 30 (1986), S. 59.
Reinhold W. Weber, Die Saarländische Bibliographie. 2012. 17 S.; (als PDF)